Ashley Kaplan Photography

January 11, 2024

What makes ordinary moments become meaningful memories that we will carry in our hearts, minds and souls for the rest of our days?  I’ve been pondering this question lately. I invite you to close your eyes for a moment and recall a few of your most meaningful memories. Try to fill them in with as […]

December 17, 2023

Yesterday I had the opportunity to spend the whole day in a deeply moving and powerful meditation workshop. It was part of an inner work journey that I have been on, but something really surprising surfaced during my meditation.   Unexpectedly, photography was a theme that emerged over and over again. With eyes closed, I […]

Photography as the Art of Place + Memory - Reflective woman in nature

November 28, 2023

Last week I had the gift of rest. Time unplugged in nature is very therapeutic for me. This beautiful and restorative mix of rest plus nature allowed me the space to enter into a deeper place of reflection and one thing that I’ve been ruminating on is my photographic + creative process as the art […]

March 22, 2020

“Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculpture.”  I read this quote graffitied on the cement seawall of San Francisco yesterday morning. It was one of many moments that stopped me on my run and caused me to pause a little longer and take in the scene around […]